Hi I was working on making a contract that should support both SOL and SPL tokens.

Is there a recommended way to manage SOL and SPL token altogether? It looks like we need to wrap SOL to make it work. A way I an thinking to do is ask the user to wrap it first, but it doesn't feel really user friendly.

Is there a recommended way to do that? I was thinking a function that could look like that:

pub fn function_one(ctx: Context<Game>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {

    is_spl = detect_if_spl()
    if not spl { 

Thank you!

1 Answer 1


You need to wrap sol in the client and then you can use it like a normal SPL token. Afterwards you can unwrap it again.


  • But this will ask the users using to have to make 2 transactions instead of one? Or is there a way to do both operations client side in one go? Commented Nov 9 at 2:11
  • 1
    You can have multiple instructions in the same transaction
    – Jonas H.
    Commented Nov 10 at 18:27

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