I read this and it says,

Using their phone’s camera, users can scan a QR code to open a page directly within Phantom’s in-app browser. If a web app detects that a user is on mobile, it can also prompt the user to open a specific page within Phantom's in-app browser.

Does it mean I could use the QR scanner inside Phantom to scan a QR code containing their deeplink such as https://phantom.app/ul/browse/<url>?ref=<ref> and it will open the inside the in-app browser? Or do I need to use a separate QR reader and scan the link and then it will open up the in the dapp browser.

It seems like the latter works, but could I do the former too?

1 Answer 1


In the article you linked, we were referring to a QR-code reader (such as the iPhone camera app). The Phantom in-app QR code reader was originally built for sending SOL, but we will be upgrading it to handle deeplinks as well.

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