I want to create PDA with no data in it, only SOL balance is needed. Reading following questions (q1, q2) I found out that I need to create System Account PDA, but I am having trouble to implement this with anchor. Some small example how to create and use it would be appreciated.

There are some question that comes using System Account PDA:

  • In instruction context, System Account PDA should be specified as SystemAccount?
  • Would program be able to withdraw SOL from System Account PDA and ensure that the program is the only account that withdraw SOL?
  • When calling the transaction that withdraw SOL from System Account PDA, signers are not required since it's PDA and there is no private key?

1 Answer 1


You can create a PDA with an empty account struct. For example

pub struct Example<'info> {
        seeds = [..],
        payer = ..,
        space = 8,
    empty_pda: Account<'info, Empty>  
pub struct Empty {}
  1. No. An Account<'info> is what you should use.
  2. Yes a program will be able to withdraw sol from the PDA. By default, making the PDA a program account(as is done above) ensures that only the program can sign withdrawals from that PDA.
  3. Correct, signers are not required for a PDA in the client-side because PDAs have no private key and it's impossible for them to sign that way. Here's a link that shows how to withdraw sol from a PDA.
  • I was thinking of this solution, but I was confused and thought there may be a better solution.
    – Void
    Commented Aug 30, 2022 at 15:17

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