I have the JSON file containing the keypair which has an array containing 64 values:

$ cat ~/my-solana-wallet/demo.json

How to convert this array to the corresponding public and private key seed phrase?

6 Answers 6


The first 32 values represent the private key:

private_key_bytes = [4, 182, 130, 247, 119, 117, 227, 207, 112, 73, 170, 126, 222, 197, 244, 99, 215, 107, 255, 202, 33, 43, 36, 17, 104, 111, 157, 246, 196, 192, 174, 95]

The second 32 values represent the public key:

In order to change this in alphanumeric phrases, we need to convert this array of integer values into base 58. In Ruby we’ll first convert the array to hex (base 16):

public_key_hex = public_key_bytes.pack("C*").unpack("H*").first

And then we can use a base 58 script to convert the hex into the base 58:

public_key = Base58.encode(public_key_hex)

And that gives us the same public key aka wallet address that we saw earlier in the Solana CLI output:


We can follow the same process to get the base 58 private key:


You can use the method fromSecretKey:

fromSecretKey method

  • Should follow with then retrieving private and public keys from keypair.
    – Frank C.
    Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 9:06

In python you can do

import solana
import base58
from solana.keypair import Keypair

//Generate keypair object
key_array = [4,182,130,247,119,117,227,207,112,73,170,126,222,197,244,99,215,107,255,202,33,43,36,17,104,111,157,246,196,192,174,95,240,23,238,206,118,215,154,238,229,96,11,37,156,123,51,223,5,231,17,117,86,136,103,14,75,95,175,132,148,54,1,46]
generated_keypair = Keypair.from_secret_key(bytes(key_array))

generated_keypair.public_key //Public Key
base58.b58encode(generated_keypair.secret_key) //Raw 64-byte secret key



The answer from ZeroNine doesn't work anymore; tested with solana.py v0.32.

Here's a version without solana.py:

import base58

key_array = [4,182,130,247,119,117,227,207,112,73,170,126,222,197,244,99,215,107,255,202,33,43,36,17,104,111,157,246,196,192,174,95,240,23,238,206,118,215,154,238,229,96,11,37,156,123,51,223,5,231,17,117,86,136,103,14,75,95,175,132,148,54,1,46]

secret_key = key_array[0:32]
public_key = key_array[32:64]

sk = base58.b58encode(bytes(secret_key))
pk = base58.b58encode(bytes(public_key))


Here is a more typescript version solution

    import { bs58 } from "@coral-xyz/anchor/dist/cjs/utils/bytes";
const Main = () => {
  const keyArray = [
    4, 182, 130, 247, 119, 117, 227, 207, 112, 73, 170, 126, 222, 197, 244, 99,
    215, 107, 255, 202, 33, 43, 36, 17, 104, 111, 157, 246, 196, 192, 174, 95,
    240, 23, 238, 206, 118, 215, 154, 238, 229, 96, 11, 37, 156, 123, 51, 223,
    5, 231, 17, 117, 86, 136, 103, 14, 75, 95, 175, 132, 148, 54, 1, 46,
  const secretKey = keyArray.slice(0, 32);
  const publicKey = keyArray.slice(32, 64);

  const sk = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(secretKey));
  const pk = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(publicKey));

  console.log("Public Key:", pk);
  console.log("Secret Key:", sk);

import base58 from solana.rpc.api import Keypair

key_array = [141, 12, ...] # insert the full array keypair = Keypair.from_bytes(key_array)

print(f"Keypair is: {keypair}")

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