i have cloned the solana dapp-scaffold repo and i am trying to display the pubkey of the user connected with an alternative way, using web3js. When i try to do it the pubkey is initially set to null and then changed to the pubkey of the user however the change isn't displayed in the frontend
// Next, React
import { FC, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
// Wallet
import { useWallet, useConnection } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
// Components
import { RequestAirdrop } from '../../components/RequestAirdrop';
import pkg from '../../../package.json';
// Store
import useUserSOLBalanceStore from '../../stores/useUserSOLBalanceStore';
import * as solanaWeb3 from '@solana/web3.js';
export const HomeView: FC = ({ }) => {
const wallet = useWallet();
const { connection } = useConnection();
console.log("solanaweb3: ",solanaWeb3)
const balance = useUserSOLBalanceStore((s) => s.balance)
const { getUserSOLBalance } = useUserSOLBalanceStore()
let pub;
useEffect(() => {
if (wallet.publicKey) {
getUserSOLBalance(wallet.publicKey, connection)
pub = new solanaWeb3.PublicKey(wallet.publicKey).toString()
}, [wallet.publicKey, connection, getUserSOLBalance])
return (
<div className="md:hero mx-auto p-4">
<div className="md:hero-content flex flex-col">
<h1 className="text-center text-5xl md:pl-12 font-bold text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-tr from-[#9945FF] to-[#14F195]">
Scaffold Lite <span className='text-sm font-normal align-top text-slate-700'>v{pkg.version}</span>
<h4 className="md:w-full text-center text-slate-300 my-2">
<p>Simply the fastest way to get started.</p>
Next.js, tailwind, wallet, web3.js, and more.
<div className="max-w-md mx-auto mockup-code bg-primary p-6 my-2">
<pre data-prefix=">">
<code className="truncate">Start building on Solana </code>
<h4 className="md:w-full text-center text-slate-300 my-2">
{pub && (<h1>pubKey: {pub}</h1>)}
{pub ? (<h1>{pub}</h1>) : (<h1>null</h1>)}
<div className="text-center">
<RequestAirdrop />
{/* {wallet.publicKey && <p>Public Key: {wallet.publicKey.toBase58()}</p>} */}
{wallet && <p>SOL Balance: {(balance || 0).toLocaleString()}</p>}
my problem is that pub is always null