I am building a React-based app that uses many dependencies and I am running into a problem with @metaplex-foundation/js and @solana/spl-token in particular.

I want to use the newest versions of both packages, but the @metaplex-foundation/js package has a transient dependency of an older version of the @solana/spl-token package.

yarn list @solana/spl-token output:

yarn list v1.22.19
warning Filtering by arguments is deprecated. Please use the pattern option instead.
├─ @metaplex-foundation/[email protected]
│  └─ @metaplex-foundation/[email protected]
│     └─ @solana/[email protected]
├─ @metaplex-foundation/[email protected]
│  └─ @solana/[email protected]
└─ @solana/[email protected]

The problem is that I am trying to use features only available in the 0.3.5 version of spl-token, but it seems to me that I am locked into using 0.2.0. Is there a way for me to work around this?

The error within VS Code

  • 1
    It looks like the solution to my problem is using npm/yarn aliases: classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/add#toc-yarn-add-alias yarn add @solana/spl-token-next@npm:@solana/spl-token The current problem is that VS Code still doesn't resolve the aliased version as a different package, it still sees it as the 0.2.0 version.
    – pepeIKO
    Commented Oct 25, 2022 at 9:14

1 Answer 1


I'm going to add my comment as the answer to this:

It looks like the solution to my problem is using npm/yarn aliases with a command such as yarn add @solana/spl-token-next@npm:@solana/spl-token.

This still has some awkward problems with VS Code in some cases not resolving the aliased version as a different package, but it does work.

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