Sorry for the noob question.

Im trying to test a program that I deployed locally, however when running anchor run test, I receive the following error.

Error: failed to get recent blockhash: FetchError: request to http://localhost:8899/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:8899

Ive verified solana-test-validator is running, and I can airdrop lamports no problem. Additionally, I'll see the logs from bpf loader when deploying the program.

Anchor.toml checks out I believe. Pasted in the programid already. Same with declare_id! in lib.rs.

I honestly have no clue, any help would be soo appreciated!

1 Answer 1


If you're using anchor with local validator and not it's own validator, you need to pass in the --skip-local-validator option like so:

anchor test --skip-local-validator

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