We are using the latest Solana monorepo [1] and our goal is to run the Solana example-helloworld [2] Using sbf-solana-solana target and sbfv2 CPU.

First, we patched programs/bpf_loader/src/syscalls/mod.rs line 177 to set dynamic_stack_frames to true [3]

Second, we updated the sbf.mk script SBF_C_FLAGS variable and added -mcpu=sbfv2 -D SOL_SBFV2=1. Overall the build line is like clang -Werror -O2 -fno-builtin -std=c17 -target sbf -mcpu=sbfv2 -D SOL_SBFV2=1 -fPIC -o ../../dist/program/helloworld/helloworld.o -c ./src/helloworld/helloworld.c (-isystem parameters skipped for readability)

As a side note, -D SOL_SBFV2=1 seems important to be added, may be related to static system calls, as we found occurrences of the SOL_SBFV2 macro in the sdk files, as for example in sdk/sbf/c/inc/sol/log.h [4]

When we deploy the helloworld program we get the following error:

$ solana program deploy solana-example-helloworld/dist/program/helloworld.so
Error: ELF error: ELF error: Relative jump out of bounds at instruction #34

Unfortunately, the dump does not show instruction #36 [5]

However if ever we omit the -D SOL_SBFV2=1 parameter of the build command, we can deploy the program successfully, but when we run the program we get the following error:

$ npm start
SendTransactionError: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: Program failed to complete
    at Connection.sendEncodedTransaction (GitHub/solana-example-helloworld/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/src/connection.ts:4153:13)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async Connection.sendRawTransaction (solana-example-helloworld/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/src/connection.ts:4115:20)
    at async Connection.sendTransaction (solana-example-helloworld/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/src/connection.ts:4103:12)
    at async sendAndConfirmTransaction (solana-example-helloworld/node_modules/@solana/web3.js/src/util/send-and-confirm-transaction.ts:30:21) {
  logs: [
    'Program xxx invoke [1]',
    'Program xxx consumed 5 of 200000 compute units',
    'Program failed to complete: unsupported instruction at instruction 90',
    'Program xxx failed: Program failed to complete'

instruction #90 is visible in the dump [6]

How to solve the ELF error: Relative jump out of bounds at instruction #34? Should we add additional patch to programs/bpf_loader/src/syscalls/mod.rs ? (tried without success) Should we activate some other features for the sbf target ? [7] (tried without success)




solana-cli 1.15.0 (src:00000000; feat:1157313049, client:SolanaLabs)

commit 6e4ecc67587f8ff277a54b08d6ec229080354df7




file programs/bpf_loader/src/syscalls/mod.rs

   174          external_internal_function_hash_collision: feature_set
   175              .is_active(&error_on_syscall_bpf_function_hash_collisions::id()),
   176          reject_callx_r10: feature_set.is_active(&reject_callx_r10::id()),
   177          dynamic_stack_frames: true,
   178          enable_sdiv: false,
   179          optimize_rodata: false,
   180          static_syscalls: false,
   181          enable_elf_vaddr: false,
   182          reject_rodata_stack_overlap: false,
   183          new_elf_parser: false,
   184          aligned_memory_mapping: true,
   185          // Warning, do not use `Config::default()` so that configuration here is explicit.
   186      };

Solved thanks to How to fix 'ELF error: Dynamic stack frames detected but not enabled' while running the Solana helloworld example C program using SBF v2 processor?


file sdk/sbf/c/inc/sol/log.h

18  #ifndef SOL_SBFV2
19  void sol_log_(const char *, uint64_t);
20  #else
21  typedef void(*sol_log__pointer_type)(const char *, uint64_t);
22  static void sol_log_(const char * arg1, uint64_t arg2) {
23    sol_log__pointer_type sol_log__pointer = (sol_log__pointer_type) 544561597;
24    sol_log__pointer(arg1, arg2);
25  }
26  #endif


command V=1 make -C ./src/program-c dump_helloworld to investigate instruction #34 when the program is built with -target sbf -mcpu=sbfv2 -D SOL_SBFV2=1

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000000120 <helloworld>:
      36:   79 12 08 00 00 00 00 00 ldxdw r2, [r1 + 8]


command V=1 make -C ./src/program-c dump_helloworld to investigate about instruction #90, when program is built with -target sbf -mcpu=sbfv2

0000000000000290 <LBB0_10>:
      82:   79 11 18 00 00 00 00 00 ldxdw r1, [r1 + 24]
      83:   61 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 ldxw r2, [r1 + 0]
      84:   07 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 add64 r2, 1
      85:   63 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 stxw [r1 + 0], r2
      86:   18 01 00 00 05 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 lddw r1, 1541
      88:   b7 02 00 00 06 00 00 00 mov64 r2, 6
      89:   85 10 00 00 ff ff ff ff call -1
      90:   b7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 mov64 r0, 0
      91:   05 00 ec ff 00 00 00 00 ja -20 <LBB0_11>


command $ llc --march=sbf --mcpu=help

  alu32           - Enable ALU32 instructions.
  dummy           - unused feature.
  dwarfris        - Disable MCAsmInfo DwarfUsesRelocationsAcrossSections.
  dynamic-frames  - Enable dynamic frames.
  reloc-abs64     - Fix 64bit data relocations.
  sdiv            - Enable native SBF_SDIV support.
  solana          - Enable Solana extensions.
  static-syscalls - Marker feature used for conditional compilation.

1 Answer 1


We have been able to fix the issue by activating static syscalls and using the latest solana-labs/rbpf git version (may be related to https://github.com/solana-labs/rbpf/pull/434 recently committed)

  1. Activate static syscalls in the bpf loader. Edit programs/bpf_loader/src/syscalls/mod.rs line 180 and set static_syscalls to true

  2. Use the git version of solana rbpf [1] instead of the version used in the solana monorepo. For your cloned version of rbpf to be used by your solana environment. In the solana monorepo, edit all Cargo.toml files that refer to solana_rbpf

    a. find . -name Cargo.toml -exec grep -l solana_rbpf {} \; | xargs

    b. comment the line solana_rbpf = "=0.2.38"

    c. add the line solana_rbpf = { path = "<your-path>/GitHub/solana-labs/rbpf", version = "=0.2.38"} to replace the commented line

  3. Rebuild the solana test validator with the command ./cargo build --bin solana-test-validator

  4. Rebuild the solana cli with the command cd cli; cargo build

[1] https://github.com/solana-labs/rbpf/

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