Q1.What is the recommended way to fetch current cluster co-ordinated timestamp ? is it via fetching the clock account and deserializing it if so is there a method which takes care of deserializing it, Q2 there exists something along the lines of getParsedAccountInfo but i dont understand how is it possible for it decode any account info without having knowledge of the underlying Structure.
2 Answers
You can get the timestamp of the last processed block quite easily if that's sufficient:
const slot = await connection.getSlot({ commitment: 'processed' });
const timestamp = await connection.getBlockTime(slot);
There might be a cleaner way to do this but you can fetch the clock sysvar and the decode it using the following snippet:
import { AccountInfo, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'
import { BN } from 'bn.js'
export const SYSVAR_OWNER_PUBKEY = new PublicKey(
interface Clock {
slot: number
epochStartTimestamp: number
epoch: number
leaderScheduleEpoch: number
unixTimestamp: number
export function decodeSysvarClock(info: AccountInfo<Buffer>): Clock {
if (!info.owner.equals(SYSVAR_OWNER_PUBKEY) || info.data.length !== 40) {
throw new Error('invalid clock account')
return {
slot: new BN(info.data.slice(0, 7), undefined, 'le').toNumber(),
epochStartTimestamp: new BN(
info.data.slice(8, 15),
epoch: new BN(info.data.slice(16, 23), undefined, 'le').toNumber(),
leaderScheduleEpoch: new BN(
info.data.slice(24, 31),
unixTimestamp: new BN(info.data.slice(32, 39), undefined, 'le').toNumber(),