I've created a program, and deployed it using:

solana program deploy target/deploy/hello_solana.so

It deploys successfully:

solana program deploy target/deploy/hello_solana.so --keypair ../../sol-wallet/keypair.json
Program Id: 6AYSqby23YGLpQDqoMLgo5Q3VeeY8JagzjtAiG6x9Yph | 274338204 | 9RmrQD5kBthJ9oVrAfryiTJmwDBfmknJDrKGsj71PzVB

I attempt to check the programs I have deployed with the following command:

solana program show --programs

But, I get a timeout error:

Error: error sending request for url (https://api.devnet.solana.com/): operation timed out

I've tried different machines, and different Internet connections. It still produces the same result.

The strange thing is 1 in 10 times it will work and show my programs. So I don't think this is an issue my end. I've Googled this issue but can't find a resolution.

Sometimes works, other times it timesout

Anybody know what is going on?

1 Answer 1


This may be a rate limit on the public RPC. https://api.devnet.solana.com/

There are many other commercial RPC provider like for example: Triton, Helius, Quicknode, Hellomoon and many more. Most of them also have free plans with less restricting limits.

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