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Title: Unable to Build Anchor Project with SBF Tools: Issues with sbf-solana, bpfel-unknown-none, and Docker Compatibility

Description: Hello everyone, We’ve been struggling for hours trying to build an Anchor project on Solana. Despite numerous attempts, nothing seems to work, either locally or using Docker. Below are ...
Marc romano's user avatar
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Error:AccountNotFound with anchor deploy

hello when I write 'anchor deploy' in terminal, the result is Deploying cluster: Upgrade authority: /home/leejinho/.config/solana/id.json Deploying program "voting"... ...
coo's user avatar
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Unable to deploy solana smart contract on mainnet

Deploying the solana smart contract on devnet works well, but if I try to deploy the smart contract on mainnet it doesnt work. I got this error so many times. I tried it with so many solana versions. ...
Hiroto Iwaki's user avatar
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zig programs on solana

I'm trying to deploy a solana zig program, but running into some ELF issues and was wondering if someone has any experience with that here is my repo for reproduction
Anti Code's user avatar
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solana localnet - Error while upgrading a program loaded at genesis using `solana-test-validator`?

Is it possible to redeploy a program if it was loaded at genesis (specifically on solana-test-validator)? Error while upgrading a program loaded at genesis While doing some testing, I am experiencing ...
nickfrosty's user avatar
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Anchor deploy failed from "insufficient funds"

I tried deploying a program on mainnet using anchor deploy and ran into a failed deployment due to "Account has insufficient funds for spend (6.62478552 SOL) + fee (0.004725 SOL)" even ...
Relly Valentine's user avatar
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anchor deploy does not work

I try to deploy my contract using anchor, but i get this error: Error: RPC request error: cluster version query failed: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: ...
Enya Emmanuel's user avatar
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Solana program deployment always failed

I have tried to deploy my program into Solana Devnet. But I have never ever succeeded just with once execution for the deployment. Each time I have to recover the KEY, and deploy the program again. I ...
Derik Lu's user avatar
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Can I reclaim SOL from PDA after I accidently close the program?

I deployed solana program and used it. After that, I wanted to close that program and redeploy to another address. So I closed program. But I forgot to reclaim SOL from the PDA associated with the ...
toygr's user avatar
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Can I recover my funds lost due to the deprecation of BPFLoader2 management instructions?

I was trying to deploy a Solana program and accidentally used Solana CLI 1.14.29 with the command solana deploy instead of solana program deploy. The deployment transactions failed with the following ...
Bogdan Shumygora's user avatar
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Get adresses of tokens on solana

I want to get adresse of tokens on solana for the last week. I can get currantly created tokens, however I want to get all token adresse that was created during the week, how could I do that ?
Shaul Zuev's user avatar
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How to verify written solana program buffer account data and uploaded program build file with checksum?

I'm attempting to verify if the file in the program buffer account matches the content of the build file. I used solana account to retrieve data from the buffer account, calculated the SHA sum, and ...
Renjith Thankachan's user avatar
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Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom error: Max retries exceeded while deployment

I am using QuickNode to manage the RPC Endpoint. The program was closed automatically from the BlockChain and when I try to deploy the same program, it shows me these errors:
Imran Rashid's user avatar
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Deploying program errors out with `Error: 184 write transactions failed`

I'm trying to deploy a solana program on devnet but it's erroring out with the message below. *[main][~/Documents/crew/marketplace-contracts/target/deploy]$ solana program deploy --...
Jimii's user avatar
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solana program deploy error

An error message is reported when the following command is used to deploy the program on the devnet network: solana program deploy ./target/deploy/ Error message: thread 'main' panicked at ...
liang kou's user avatar
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Unable to deploy solana programs on devnet

after deploy on localnet successful, run solana config set --url and config Anchor.toml [programs.devnet] counter = "58MKv4J4uWugtVvxfN2zgoVvUWAXUNLx8Qw9GQbnY4i3&...
Hendry5479's user avatar
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Anchor build: Error - Large stack variables

I am still getting these errors upon Anchor build despite others claiming it has been solved by simply upgrading to solana-cli versions 18.2.0 and higher. Error: Function _ZN112_$LT$solana_program.....
Burner Wallet's user avatar
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Can't create Reserve for Token Lending's market

I am currently following the SLP Token Lending step by step ( in order to deploy my own lending system for ...
Anthony CONSOLARO's user avatar
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How to pull all blocks from the genesis block to the local?

Now I need to do traceability business, I need pull all blocks from the genesis block to the local. May I ask if I need to build a validator node? If so, what params should I add? right now I reserved ...
cat lion's user avatar
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'Invalid account data for instruction' with Deploying to Mainnet Using Playground

I am deploying a program using Playground. The same account and code run perfectly on the devnet. However, when deploying to the mainnet, it fails at a certain stage with the following error: error: ...
unclecai's user avatar
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Got error "account data too small for instruction" when run Anchor deploy?

Sometimes I got this error when deploy program with running "anchor deploy": Error: Deploying program failed: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing ...
user2873314's user avatar
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Why is it impossible to deploy a program to mainnet?

Just want to preface this by saying that I never have joined a stack exchange in my 10+ years of engineering to get a question answered. I’ve already combed through all the posts on here regarding ...
Fucksolana's user avatar
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Deploying program fails after checking transaction status. Error: 122 write transactions failed

For several days I couldn't deploy program because of the same reason everyone fails. In 5 retries you can't deploy it. I changed Solana Cli source code in order to increase max retries number (you ...
kadir's user avatar
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Deploy a program from another program

I'm trying to build a bridge and I need to create pools in both chains In Solidity, I would be creating a contract that deploys and manage individual pools, but not sure if that can be achieved in ...
Julio Merida Pollos's user avatar
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solana program write-buffer always failed

when run solana program write-buffer, error is Error: Account allocation failed: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer ...
reditable's user avatar
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Can't deploy a smart contract: cli 'solana program show --programs' returns nulls

For those who've been following this, I been dealing with ISSUES trying to make a solana-token ICO widget, basically I finally got around both the, error: package `solana-program v1.18.2` cannot be ...
Keola's user avatar
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Unable to deploy program to mainnet using solana cli `1.17.31`

I tried to deploy my program to mainnet but i keep getting the following error. Error: Error processing Instruction 3: invalid account data for instruction i have allocated twice the size of program ...
Dhruv D Jain's user avatar
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Deployment Error on Solana Mainnet: Max Retries Exceeded [duplicate]

I've been successfully deploying my Anchor project on Solana's development and testnet environments. However, when attempting deployment on the mainnet, I consistently encounter the following error: &...
Blocky Man's user avatar
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Blockhash expired causing "program deploy" failed on mainnet

The program deployment requires sending around 90 transactions (based on the cli prompt). The same deployment works fine on devnet (very fast, a few seconds). Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Deploying a program to mainnet seems impossible?

I have no issue deploying to testnet and devnet, but everything I've tried to get the program to deploy to mainnet using the CLI ends up with it hanging. Has anyone deployed a program recently (April ...
Crypto Actuary's user avatar
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Solana Program Deploy command failing due to llc text sections Error

The deploy command is failing. How can I fix this error. I found no documentation about this error. After running cargo-build-sbf in my hello_world test project I get this error: $ solana program ...
TheFox's user avatar
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can't connect to my local when doing hello world on rustc

solana program deploy C:\Users\kamba\OneDrive\"Рабочий стол"\blockchain_assignment_2\solana-hello-world-local Error: RPC request error: cluster version query failed: error sending request ...
Kuanysh's user avatar
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Issues deploying to mainnet - on resume it just starts from 0% each time, never seems to progress

I have been trying to deploy a program to mainnet for several days now, on devnet it works fine and deploys in a few seconds, but on mainnet I just get: Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom ...
daoplays's user avatar
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Cannot deploy program onto solana mainnet

First of all, it's super slow when deploy(anchor deploy) my program to mainnet, I got error: Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining Blockhash expired. 3 retries remaining Blockhash expired. 2 retries ...
user2873314's user avatar
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How to add add priority fee on anchor cli

I am trying to deploy a program and read that is possible to add priority fee to the deploy transactions. If possible how to do it. I am using anchor deploy
CryptoTioSam's user avatar
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Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time?

Why is mainnet-beta program deploy taking so much time? It took 6 hours to complete 1.0% of the whole process I use solana-cli version: 1.18.3 anchor version: anchor-cli 0.29.0 solana cluster-version :...
Minato Tanaka's user avatar
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How to deploy on mainnet using anchor?

Can someone who lately successfully deployed program to mainnet say what versions of solana-cli, anchor-cli,... did you use? When I try to deploy, it takes ages (on devnet its in 1 minute done) and in ...
Peta ng's user avatar
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`solana program deploy` stuck

From yesterday I haven't been able to deploy (upgrade) my program to solana mainnet. The deploy works fine on devnet, with the same binary. But when running solana program deploy on mainnet, it is ...
Kise's user avatar
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An error occurred while deploying to devnet with anchor

I can deploy successfully using the localhost, but when deploying to the devnet, I encounter this error. Could someone please help me? Deploying program "user_profile_backend"... Program ...
Pluto's user avatar
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Why is the size of my on-chain program almost doubled after deploying?

I've written a on-chain program with Rust and compile it via cargo build-sbf. Then I check the size of the .so file, it's 156960 bytes. After I deploy it on devnet via solana program deploy, I check ...
Yan's user avatar
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How to properly start and shut down a local multi-node network?

Following the tutorial on this website(, I successfully start local multinode testnet.I discovered that I used the script ./multinode-demo/ ...
sdjasj's user avatar
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slow deployments when using Solana CLI 1.17.x

When I deployed mainnet using Solana 1.17.17, it was very slow and could not be successful rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21) solana-cli 1.17.17 (src:27a43800; feat:1337574167, client:SolanaLabs) ...
zhxx zh's user avatar
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Checking deployed programs causes a timeout error. Sometimes works

I've created a program, and deployed it using: solana program deploy target/deploy/ It deploys successfully: solana program deploy target/deploy/ --keypair ../../sol-...
BugHunterUK's user avatar
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Err while deploying to devnet on Solana

The build is successful using anchor build. and when i deploy my program using anchor deploy i am getting below error anchor_cli = 0.28.0
Mohammad Abuzar's user avatar
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Deploying program with sol_remaining_compute_units() gives "invalid account data"

Including something like msg!("remaining compute: {}", solana_program::compute_units::sol_remaining_compute_units()); will lead to error when deploying RPC URL: https://api.devnet.solana....
Pun's user avatar
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What is the difference between mint and freeze authority?

When I have an SPL token, I can revoke freeze authority and I can revoke mint. What is the difference between these two?
Anonim11's user avatar
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Anchor Deploy Error

By Deploying Anchor with command: anchor deploy I get this error: Error: Unable to open program file: No such file or directory (os error 2) There was a problem deploying: Output { status: ExitStatus(...
LastUnicorn's user avatar
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How to deploy Solana private chain with at least 4 nodes for testing on single or multiple machines

I want to send transactions to the blockchain and obtain the execution results of the transactions.I followed the instructions in the official documentation below for the setup, but I'm not sure if ...
sdjasj's user avatar
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How do I get real-time information about newly created tokens on Solana?

I want to receive information about newly created tokens on the Solana blockchain with minimal latency. What are some ways to do this? So that I get information about a freshly created token after, ...
Andrew Swift's user avatar
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Cannot deploy program on mainnet for two weeks

I use solana command tool to deploy program on mainnet and always got failed. I have try for two weeks. I try 1.14.X, 1.16.X and 1.17.X. But got failed. tangaoyuan@tangaoyuandeMacBook-Pro program % ...
user6717's user avatar