I have an instruction where on the client-side, I'm passing down a game_id to the instruction to be used as part of the seed because this instruction will be called a lot when new game instances are required. However, I'm running to a 2006 error pertaining to a seed constraint being violated. I've verified that it's not the account seeds. I've entered those in correctly. So it has to be an issue with the game_id.
I've tried swapping out .as_bytes() for .as_ref() for the seed values and that doesn't work either. However, owner.key().as_ref() without including game_id in the seed at all works. But then I can't create more than 1 game instance which is not the functionality I need
rust instruction
#[instruction(game_id: String)]
pub struct CreateGame<'info> {
payer = owner,
space = 8 + GameData::MAX_SIZE,
seeds = [GameData::SEED.as_bytes(), game_id.as_bytes()],
pub game: Account<'info, GameData>,
seeds = [WordVault::SEED.as_bytes(), game_id.as_bytes()],
payer = owner,
space = 8 + WordVault::MAX_SIZE
pub word_vault: Account<'info, WordVault>,
payer = owner,
seeds = [GameTreasury::SEED.as_bytes(), game_id.as_bytes()],
space = 8 + GameTreasury::MAX_SIZE,
pub game_treasury: Account<'info, GameTreasury>,
pub global_game_data: Account<'info, GlobalGameData>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
client-side hook where instruction is called
const initializeGame = async (wallet: WalletContextState, connection: Connection, gameID: string): Promise<void> => {
if (!wallet) return;
let [gameAcctPDA] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
[Buffer.from( "GSEED" ), Buffer.from( gameID )],
console.log('gameAcct: ', gameAcctPDA.toString());
let [wordVaultAcctPDA] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
[Buffer.from("WVSEED"), Buffer.from( gameID )],
console.log('wordVaultAcct: ', wordVaultAcctPDA.toString())
let [gameTreasuryPDA, bump] = web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
[Buffer.from("GTSEED"), Buffer.from( gameID )],
console.log('moneyVaultAcct: ', gameTreasuryPDA.toString())
console.log('game id: ', gameID)
const gameAccounts: CreateGameInstructionAccounts = {
game: gameAcctPDA,
wordVault: wordVaultAcctPDA,
gameTreasury: gameTreasuryPDA,
owner: wallet.publicKey!
const gameCreationArgs: CreateGameInstructionArgs = {
name: 'Test',
minDeposit: 0.1,
gameId: gameID
const transactionInstruction = createCreateGameInstruction(gameAccounts, gameCreationArgs);
try {
const tx = new Transaction().add(transactionInstruction);
tx!.feePayer = wallet!.publicKey!;
const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
tx.recentBlockhash = latestBlockhash.blockhash;
const sent = await wallet.wallet?.adapter?.sendTransaction(tx, connection)
console.log('tx data: ', sent);
} catch (error) {
console.log('error creating game', error);
view where hook is being triggered
const handleCreateGame = async () => {
// TODO: pull current game id from global game data state
const gameID = `game_${1}`
await initializeGame(wallet!, devNetConnection, gameID)