I am trying to transfer 0.1 SOL from the signer account to all the accounts passed in the remaining_accounts to the function call. Here's a breakdown of the code.


    pub fn purchase_package(ctx: Context<PurchasePackage>) -> Result<()> {
        let total_amount: u64 = ctx.accounts.user.to_account_info().lamports();
        let LAMPORTS_PER_SOL: u64 = 1_000_000_000; // Number of lamports in one SOL
        let transfer_amount: u64 = LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 10; // 0.1 SOL in lamports

        for i in 0..ctx.remaining_accounts.len() {
            let account_info: &AccountInfo = &ctx.remaining_accounts[i];

            if !account_info.is_writable || account_info.is_signer {
                return Err(ErrorCode::InvalidAccount.into());

            let transfer_instruction = system_instruction::transfer(

            // Use a more explicit invocation pattern
                    account_info.clone(), // Cloning here to get a new reference

            distributed_amount += transfer_amount;


The Javascript to call this function:

const response = await program.methods.purchasePackage().accounts({
          user: wallet.publicKey,
          systemProgram: SystemProgram.programId,
          lpWallet: lpWallet,
    .remainingAccounts(referralChainArray.map((referral) => ({
      pubkey: referral,
      isWritable: true,
      isSigner: false

When I build the anchor contract, I get error saying:

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^argument requires that `'2` must outlive `'1`

I also tried passing the clone() of the account, but the error still persists.

1 Answer 1


This is a Rust issue. There isn't enough information given about the error in the question, but I think it might be borrowing parts of ctx.accounts.user: using key() and to_account_info().

Try changing the instruction creation to the following:

            let user_key = ctx.accounts.user.key();
            let transfer_instruction = system_instruction::transfer(

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