Is it possible to allocate space to an account based on account provided in remaining_accounts? I want to allocate enough space to store public key of the accounts provided in remaining_accounts in a struct (State).

This demonstrates what I am trying to do:

  seeds = [STATE_SEED.as_ref(), signer.key().as_ref()],
  payer = proposer,
  space = 8 + 4 + remaining_accounts.len() * 32
pub state: Account<'info, State>

Should I just send the length of remaining_accounts as instruction data?

1 Answer 1


Should I just send the length of remaining_accounts as instruction data?

This is the only way to do it, and then use that instruction data in the context macros with


The Context<...> struct is not available to the accounts struct and/or the account macros as it would be referencing itself prior to instantiation.

  • Thank you for your answer.
    – onurhb
    Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 14:38

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