Given that I have the following program
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::{self, Mint, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer as SplTransfer};
pub struct TransferSpl<'info> {
pub from: Signer<'info>,
#[account(mut, has_one = mint)]
pub from_ata: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
has_one = mint,
pub to_ata: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,
#[account(address = token::ID)] // Ensure the correct token program ID
pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
pub mint: Account<'info, Mint>, // Add the expected token mint
pub mod solana_lamport_transfer {
use super::*;
pub fn transfer_spl_tokens(ctx: Context<TransferSpl>, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
let destination = &ctx.accounts.to_ata;
let source = &ctx.accounts.from_ata;
let token_program = &ctx.accounts.token_program;
let authority = &ctx.accounts.from;
// require!(
// == mint.key(),
// CustomError::InvalidSourceTokenAccount
// );
// require!(
// == mint.key(),
// CustomError::InvalidDestinationTokenAccount
// );
// Transfer tokens from taker to initializer
let cpi_accounts = SplTransfer {
from: source.to_account_info().clone(),
to: destination.to_account_info().clone(),
authority: authority.to_account_info().clone(),
let cpi_program = token_program.to_account_info();
token::transfer(CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts), amount)?;
pub enum CustomError {
#[msg("The source token account is not associated with the expected mint.")]
#[msg("The destination token account is not associated with the expected mint.")]
how can I update the code to allow the transfer of the known mint token to a known account (if possible program owned, i.e. a holding account), and the allowance of transferring that same token from the known account to the invoker.
I tried adding a PDA but wasn't quite sure how to get it all working. Had the account have another pda field that had a seed and a bump and tried having to_ata
owner be the key of that pda but then you get into the business of the pda not being able to own a token account b/c it falls off the curve.
Here is a playground link:
Any ideas? Thanks
EDIT: Final solution ended up being a bit more than the accepted answer. Playground Link