ix = process_item(
{"lamports": int(lamports)},
"destination": destination_pk,
"from_account": from_account,
"manager": manager.pubkey(), # signer
#latest blockhash
latest_blockhash = http_client.get_latest_blockhash(Confirmed).value
hash = latest_blockhash.blockhash
# Set up tx
tx = Transaction(hash)
# Add CU limit
# cu_limit = set_compute_unit_limit(4000)
# tx.add(cu_limit)
#manager signed transaction
signed_tx = manager_anchor_wallet.sign_transaction(tx)
provider = Provider(async_client,manager_anchor_wallet)
sig = await provider.send(signed_tx,TxOpts(preflight_commitment=Confirmed))
This works perfectly fine but as soon as I uncomment the code that adds the setting of limiting CU units, I get an error, SignerError: not enough signers
Why does this error occur and what's the missing signer needed to add CU limit?
does NOT work withsigned_tx