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Questions tagged [cu]

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Solana program created by anchor consumes too many CUs without any action

I have developed solana program using anchor, and it works well so far. But due to its large CU, tx doesn't land sometimes, so I tried to optimize CU. I've implemented many approaches and CU has been ...
toygr's user avatar
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How does the Solana BPF VM calculate how many Compute Units a program consumes?

For a given transaction, the Solana runtime consumes CUs for many “operations”. Examples of operations could be read/write locking accounts, syscalls, signature verification, etc. as seen in the cost ...
Lou Kamades's user avatar
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set_compute_unit_limit requires an unknown signer [duplicate]

ix = process_item( {"lamports": int(lamports)}, { "destination": destination_pk, "from_account": from_account, "...
ZeroNine's user avatar
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Where can I find how many CUs different operations and syscalls cost?

I know I can get this by trial and error and just running the operations I want to test it, but I'd imagine it's written down somewhere too. Where?
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