I'm playing around with solana Token2022 [ExtensionType.TransferFeeConfig] (on dev-net). but it seems circulating supply was different between solscan, explorer.solana and solana fm (I expect circulating supply is 1,000,000 token but only solanafm showing 100,000,000,000 supply).




not sure whether my code is wrong or there's a bug on solana fm? any thought?

enter image description here

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I just noticed the same. Yes, you are right the Solana FM is showing a wrong number without accounting the decimals and bigints that comes in between.

I checked the mainnet of both explorers and both of them are showing the correct values. See this: SolanaFM

Solana Explorer

But when I checked Devnet, this was the result. To confirm the correct one, I created token with supply 250 and decimal 5. As the input to mintTo from '@solana/spl-token expects the amount to be in amount: number | bigint format, the input was given as 250_000_00 accounting 5 decimals and here are the results:

Solana FM

Solana Explorer

Here you can clearly see SolanFM's devnet is displaying the bigint as it is, not accounting the decimals.

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