If I want to react to an account changing, I can use the onAccountChange function in web3.js, like described here for example. I'm building a client in rust though, does anchor_client or solana_sdk have any equivalent to this (which isn't just me manually querying the account over and over)?


1 Answer 1


Figured it out:

let listener_client = PubsubClient::new(<WSS URL>).await.unwrap();
// Can add a config instead of None here, but None for simplicity
let (stream, shutdown_handle) = listener_client.account_subscribe(&mempool, None)
while let Some(data) = stream.next() {
    println!("Received an update! {}",data);
// Stream closed


// Somewhere else if we want to close the websocket

Also check out the new mango client for a more involved example, this was very helpful for me.

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