looks like you would need to use a zero copy account and then not load the whole account into memory but instead only work with the memory and then you can add around one kb per transaction. (The transaction size limit is 1232bytes)
Basically in anchor you need to add zero copy to your account macro like so for example:
pub struct DataHolder {
// 40952 = 40960 - 8 (account desciminator)
pub long_string: [u8; 40952],
and then use AccountLoader instead of Account.
seeds = [b"level"],
pub game_data_account: AccountLoader<'info, GameDataAccount>,
It doesn't need to be a byte array any other struct works as well.
Here is another example:
pub struct GameDataAccount {
board: [[Tile; BOARD_SIZE_X]; BOARD_SIZE_Y],
action_id: u64,
pub struct Tile {
player: Pubkey, // 32
state: u8, // 1
health: u64, // 8
damage: u64, // 8
range: u16, // 2
collect_reward: u64, // 8
avatar: Pubkey, // 32 used in the client to display the avatar
look_direction: u8, // 1 (Up, right, down, left)
ship_level: u16, // 2
start_health: u64, // 8 (used to calculate the length of the health bar in the client)
This is from an example game:
You can realloc your account to be bigger than 10kb up to 10mb like so for example:
#[instruction(len: u16)]
pub struct IncreaseZeroCopy<'info> {
realloc = len as usize,
realloc::zero = true,
pub data_holder: AccountLoader<'info, DataHolder>,
pub signer: Signer<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
Here is some code that you can look at on how to use zero copy accounts: