I am creating a spl token using solana CLI as per the following documentation, https://solana.com/developers/guides/getstarted/how-to-create-a-token.

this already include the burn functionality by default.

I want to add a total cap for the entire supply , is there a way to add it for my spl token? In CLI or other methods?

1 Answer 1


From the CLI, after you create your token per the documentation, you could mint the total supply to a wallet to be the authority of the supply using spl-token mint (docs).

After the supply has been minted you can use the CLI to revoke minting authority, preventing any tokens from being minted again (docs):

spl-token authorize mint --disable ...

This will set the mint authority to None and prevent any more tokens from ever being minted. You can run spl-token authorize -h to get more help and options on the command.

If you would rather create a "cap" without minting all of the tokens first, you'll probably want to create a program to manage the token minting and programmatically define a cap. Here are examples for how to create a program that manages token minting--you'd need to modify to meet your specific logic.

  • Thanks for the help, i will try this. Commented Oct 30 at 9:25

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