I deposited solana on marginfi and I was charged 0.016 solana for creating an account HXnCRyaNnitnL3Vrie2vHXm2RgCciBfp9inW4k11RG4y.

question! can I close this account and get this currency back? and if so, how do I do it?

transaction address 24AdKtsXGQ5StcfMdyTfD7ph57mLvwrRpXssRcvvwtGbtpv4nTV9QjndSXcGFY8gYTfHqHH6FnxNEHHdQDdhCZi7

1 Answer 1


After going through the docs, there isn't an instruction to close the MarginfiAccount

The withdraw instruction doesn't close the account -> https://github.com/mrgnlabs/marginfi-v2/blob/063a5defd89840dd53c018c563d96d0fad9dd922/programs/marginfi/src/instructions/marginfi_account/withdraw.rs#L137

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