I'm trying to setting up a rpc node for Solana on a rented Hetzner Server. I have followed the official documentation's guide https://docs.anza.xyz/operations/setup-a-validator here. I have modified the variables in the validator.sh file to change it from a validator to a simple rpc node.

My validator.sh file is that one:

#!/bin/bash exec agave-validator
--identity /home/sol/validator-keypair.json
--known-validator 5D1fNXzvv5NjV1ysLjirC4WY92RNsVH18vjmcszZd8on
--known-validator dDzy5SR3AXdYWVqbDEkVFdvSPCtS9ihF5kJkHCtXoFs
--known-validator eoKpUABi59aT4rR9HGS3LcMecfut9x7zJyodWWP43YQ
--known-validator 7XSY3MrYnK8vq693Rju17bbPkCN3Z7KvvfvJx4kdrsSY
--known-validator Ft5fbkqNa76vnsjYNwjDZUXoTWpP7VYm3mtsaQckQADN
--known-validator 9QxCLckBiJc783jnMvXZubK4wH86Eqqvashtrwvcsgkv
--ledger /mnt/ledger
--accounts /mnt/accounts
--log /home/sol/solana-rpc.log
--rpc-port 8899
--dynamic-port-range 8000-8020
--entrypoint entrypoint.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001
--entrypoint entrypoint2.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001
--entrypoint entrypoint3.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001
--expected-genesis-hash 4uhcVJyU9pJkvQyS88uRDiswHXSCkY3zQawwpjk2NsNY
--wal-recovery-mode skip_any_corrupted_record

When I'm trying to run it I occured in this error: [2024-12-08T16:15:26.309907688Z INFO agave_validator::admin_rpc_service] started admin rpc service! Failed to contact cluster entrypoint connection timed out [2024-12-08T16:15:31.313285704Z INFO agave_validator] Contacting to determine the validator's public IP address Failed to contact cluster entrypoint connection timed out [2024-12-08T16:15:36.317447350Z INFO agave_validator] Contacting to determine the validator's public IP address Failed to contact cluster entrypoint connection timed out Unable to determine the validator's public IP address

How can I fix it? I have already tried with the --gossip flag but no luck with that

Thank you everyone

1 Answer 1


Your startup script mixes testnet and mainnet info -- the --expected-genesis-hash is from testnet, but the entrypoints are for mainnet. Try to update your parameters to the following:

    --entrypoint entrypoint.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint2.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint3.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint4.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001 \
    --entrypoint entrypoint5.mainnet-beta.solana.com:8001 \
    --expected-genesis-hash 5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdpKuc147dw2N9d \

And also update the known validators to:

    --known-validator 7Np41oeYqPefeNQEHSv1UDhYrehxin3NStELsSKCT4K2 \
    --known-validator GdnSyH3YtwcxFvQrVVJMm1JhTS4QVX7MFsX56uJLUfiZ \
    --known-validator DE1bawNcRJB9rVm3buyMVfr8mBEoyyu73NBovf2oXJsJ \
    --known-validator CakcnaRDHka2gXyfbEd2d3xsvkJkqsLw2akB3zsN1D2S \

Info taken from https://docs.anza.xyz/clusters/available#mainnet-beta

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