If I were to delegate an amount of spl tokens to a certain pubkey, how can I see (in the future) how much is there left as delegated token amount and which was the pubkey I delegated to?

1 Answer 1


On the Command Line

$ spl-token -um account-info --address <TOKEN-ACCOUNT>

Will query mainnet (-ud for devnet, -ul for localnet) for that token account and print to the console.


Use the getAccount function in @solana/spl-token. https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/blob/master/token/js/src/state/account.ts#L95


Use the anchor-spl crate. (client is a solana_client::rpc_client::RpcClient, see https://docs.rs/solana-client/latest/solana_client/rpc_client/struct.RpcClient.html)

let token_act = client.get_account_data(&pubkey)?;
let token_act = anchor_spl::token::TokenAccount::try_deserialize(&mut token_act.as_slice())?;



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