i am trying to run my transaction, but i get the 0x65 error code, i dont know what it means could somebody help solve this problem? i am trying to interact with my program and post a title.
import * as Web3 from '@solana/web3.js';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
const PROGRAM_ID = new Web3.PublicKey("FS1yZFS9Vjbv77rqXBk46eGUdTgUXP7esZwKxtQFW8Ku")
const PROGRAM_DATA_PUBLIC_KEY = new Web3.PublicKey("Ah9K7dQ8EHaZqcAsgBW8w37yN2eAy3koFmUn4x3CJtod")
const TWEET_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'tweet_account.json';
const author_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'author_account.json';
async function pingProgram(
connection: Web3.Connection,
tweet: Web3.Keypair,
author: Web3.Keypair
) {
if (!process.env.PRIVATE_KEY) {
console.log('Generating new keypair');
author = Web3.Keypair.generate();
fs.writeFileSync('.env', `PRIVATE_KEY=[${author.secretKey.toString()}]`);
} else {
console.log('Using existing keypair');
const privateKeyArray = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY.split(',').map(s => parseInt(s));
const privateKeyUint8Array = new Uint8Array(privateKeyArray);
author = new Web3.Keypair({ publicKey: privateKeyUint8Array.slice(32), secretKey: privateKeyUint8Array });
const balance = await connection.getBalance(author.publicKey);
console.log('Current balance is', balance / Web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, 'SOL');
// 1 SOL should be enough for almost anything you wanna do
if (balance / Web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL < 1) {
// You can only get up to 2 SOL per request
console.log('Airdropping 1 SOL');
const airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
await connection.confirmTransaction({
blockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight,
signature: airdropSignature,
const newBalance = await connection.getBalance(author.publicKey);
console.log('New balance is', newBalance / Web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, 'SOL');
const instructionData = Buffer.alloc(8);
instructionData.writeBigInt64LE(BigInt(0)); // replace 0 with the instruction number you want to use
const transaction = new Web3.Transaction();
// console.log(tweet.publicKey.toString());
const tweetTitle = "My first tweet!";
const instruction = new Web3.TransactionInstruction({
keys: [
{ pubkey: tweet.publicKey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true },
{ pubkey: author.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: false },
{ pubkey: PROGRAM_DATA_PUBLIC_KEY, isSigner: false, isWritable: false },
programId: PROGRAM_ID,
data: instructionData,
const authorSecret = author.secretKey
const transactionSignature = await Web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
[author], // add author as payer to signers
{ commitment: 'singleGossip', preflightCommitment: 'singleGossip' },
`Transaction https://explorer.solana.com/tx/${transactionSignature}?cluster=devnet`
async function main() {
const connection = new Web3.Connection(Web3.clusterApiUrl('devnet'));
// const signer = await Web3.Keypair.generate();
let author = Web3.Keypair.generate(); ;
let tweet = Web3.Keypair.generate();
// console.log("New bbaalance is", newBalance / Web3.LAMPORTS_PER_SOL)
await pingProgram(connection, author, tweet);
.then(() => {
console.log('Finished successfully');
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error:', error.message);
console.log('Stack trace:', error.stack);
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_lang::solana_program::system_program;
use solana_program::entrypoint::ProgramResult;
pub mod solana_twitter {
use super::*;
pub fn send_tweet(ctx: Context<SendTweet>, title: String) -> ProgramResult {
let tweet: &mut Account<Tweet> = &mut ctx.accounts.tweet;
let author: &Signer = &ctx.accounts.author;
tweet.title = title.to_string();
pub struct SendTweet<'info> {
#[account(init, payer = author, space = 100)]
pub tweet: Account<'info, Tweet>,
pub author: Signer<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub struct Tweet {
pub author: Pubkey,
pub title: String,
Using existing keypair
Current balance is 1 SOL
New balance is 1 SOL
Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x65
Stack trace: Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x65