I have found many questions similar to this on stack exchange, But I have not found any working solution. I want to Give the Public wallet address of a Solana wallet and Collection ID to code. In Solely javascript by using Solana web3 js and metaplex js packages. I tried Bard, GPT, and Stack Exchange stack overflow all, but I did Not find an appropriate solution for it to use in 2023 October (as of now). I need to use it in the browser later, but if I only find it to show in the node console I will modify the code on my own to browser compatibility. I will be thankful if someone can Give me this help. I think metaplex with web3 js will work if we use candy machine type of thing.
2 Answers
Certainly, Metaplex works. Metaplex has a JavaScript SDK for interacting with the program. Read more on the JavaScript SDK here https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/token-metadata/getting-started#javascript-sdk
Alchemy works like a charm. I have used it for couple of projects and it returns all the wallet NFTs in Solana. You can check here: https://docs.alchemy.com/docs/how-to-get-all-nfts-owned-by-an-address