When I query for the transaction history of a solana wallet using the getSignaturesForAddress method, I don't get to see the amount that was transacted for each transaction. Is there a way I can view the transacted amount for each transaction that is returned on the transaction history array?

1 Answer 1


yes, in the parsed transaction object you have pre and post balances for each token involved in the transaction & pre and post balances for sol.

In the array of balances, the accounts are in the same order than in the transaction in many cases.

  • I don't think the getSignaturesForAddress method returns preBalances and postBalances for transactions. Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 9:36
  • 1
    There's one step missing, which is that you need to call getTransaction for each signature returned to get the full information docs.solana.com/api/http#gettransaction
    – Jon C
    Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 22:12

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