I'm creating a basic staking contract and just trying to initialize the pool where the reward tokens will be held. I'm receiving the following error:

TryingToInitPayerAsProgramAccount. Error Number: 4101. Error Message: You cannot/should not initialize the payer account as a program account.

I really don't think i'm initializing the payer account as a program account? Here is the Initialize context

#[instruction(bump: u8)]
pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    pub owner: Signer<'info>,
    #[account(init, payer = owner, space = StakingPool::LEN + 8)]
    pub staking_pool: Account<'info, StakingPool>,

    pub stake_token_mint: Box<Account<'info, Mint>>,

        seeds = [
    pub token_vault: SystemAccount<'info>,

        payer = owner,
        associated_token::authority = token_vault,
        associated_token::mint = stake_token_mint,
    pub vault_ata: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,

    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
    pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,

And here is the frontend call

  const [stakingPoolPDA, bump] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
    [Buffer.from(Anchor.utils.bytes.utf8.encode('vault'))], // Adjust with actual seeds

//   console.log('stakingPoolPDA', stakingPoolPDA.toString());

  const vaultAta = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
      const ix = await program.methods
          stakeTokenMint: goldMintAddress,
          tokenVault: stakingPoolPDA,
          vaultAta: vaultAta,
      const transaction = new Anchor.web3.Transaction();
      let signature = await sendTransaction(transaction, connection, {
        skipPreflight: true,

the actual instruction implementation is just setting some initial values for the stake pool:

    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>, bump: u8) -> Result<()> {
        msg!("Instruction: Initialize");
        msg!("before staking pool");
        let staking_pool: &mut Account<'_, StakingPool> = &mut ctx.accounts.staking_pool;
        staking_pool.owner = ctx.accounts.owner.key();
        staking_pool.staking_token_mint = ctx.accounts.stake_token_mint.key();
        staking_pool.total_staked_amount = 0;
        staking_pool.total_reward_amount = 0;
        staking_pool.total_user_count = 0;
        staking_pool.reward_per_second = 0;
        staking_pool.bump = bump;


I'm thinking this has to be an issue with something not directly related to the error message, as i'm not initializing the owner/payer anywhere in my code. On the frontend, i'm only passing in the accounts that anchor can not infer (signer, system program, etc). But even when i explicitly pass in all the accounts i'm getting the same error

2 Answers 2


It looks like you didn't provide the staking_pool account:

    #[account(init, payer = owner, space = StakingPool::LEN + 8)]
    pub staking_pool: Account<'info, StakingPool>, 

The account is missing in your instruction.

      const ix = await program.methods
          stakeTokenMint: goldMintAddress,
          tokenVault: stakingPoolPDA,
          vaultAta: vaultAta,
  • I thought I wouldn’t have to explicitly provide the staking_pool account since it is being initialized in the smart contract when that instruction is called (hence the init annotation). Is my logic incorrect here? If so, how would I know what address to pass in?
    – blockchief
    Commented Jan 3 at 8:45
  • You do have to explicitly provide it. You probably want to include a seed and bump constraint in your staking_pool #[account(init...)] line to ensure that you only pass a valid PDA from the client.
    – AMilz
    Commented Jan 3 at 12:48
  • Hm okay thank you. I was under the impression that I didn’t want staking_pool to be a PDA though? That’s why I initialized it with a set amount of space in the context. Not sure why I would want that particular account to be a PDA when I already have token_vault as a PDA to handle things like reward distribution and management
    – blockchief
    Commented Jan 3 at 20:49
  • 1
    Following up, turning staking_pool into a PDA and then explicitly passing the account from the client ended up working! Thanks for the help. There were a couple other small things, but that was the core issue
    – blockchief
    Commented Jan 5 at 3:29

if it's not fixed yet, and you could share the repo i can maybe help you better.

But from just your initialize context:

You are missing your owner ATA. Should be something like this :


    associated_token::mint = stake_token_mint,
    associated_token::authority = owner
pub owner_ata: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,

Also if you are dealing with SPL tokens you vault account cant be a system account.

Ex: A system account has no data therefore can only transact with native Sol.

Also seems to be an error with ur seeds


perhaps u meant


seeds=[b"vault", owner.key().as_ref()].

In your ts code looks like you are missing some accounts also.

Have a great day.

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