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Why my Option account is required when invoke from js client?

all. I am trying to use Option account in a demo, where, token related accounts are optional, when not provided, it will transfer SOL from my contract to user, other wise transfer SPL token to user. #...
breeze wang's user avatar
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Can I use anchor address constraint with dynamic value from state

Here is the example of how address constraint is implemented, but the address is CONSTANT I want to be able to change the authority who signs the ...
Nazar Havryliuk's user avatar
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What exactly are `Interface<'info, T>` and `InterfaceAccount<'info, T>`

InterfaceAccount<'info, T> and Interface<'info, T> and Anchor accounts types Would love to know more about them, where I should use them and what differentiates the two.
Jimii's user avatar
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Zero_copy not working , Getting `Zeroable` is not implemented for `[Event; 25000]`, while trying example

I'm trying This example by anchor to initialize large accounts and using zero_copy on them. I'm ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up an account to point to another account?

I'm making an anchor program where I would like to make a user ID easily retrievable with their Pk, sequential ID or username. one way I thought is to make a PK link account (in case the seed for the ...
alex's user avatar
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Can we use pda as signer and payer to create an account in any solana program

I have asked same kind of question earlier but not got proper answer. As I got an answer in my previous question in which I have to use system owned pda account, I have also tried this but getting ...
Panchal Vedant's user avatar
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How to call another instruction from the same Anchor program (No CPI) [duplicate]

Is there a way to invoke an instruction within the same program? just for the sake of code reusability, I know we can achieve this easily with CPI when invoking different programs instructions, but I ...
Ander's user avatar
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How much of a PDA can a program control

How much of a PDA is under the control of its owner program? For example, could the program block the account from signing certain instructions on transactions? Or could the program add a fee to every ...
Pixeled's user avatar
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What is Anchor (8 bytes) discriminator

The question should be straightforward.
vicyyn's user avatar
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