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What does it mean Garbage Collection?

I wonder what is Garbage Collection?. When an Account no longer has enough Lamports to pay its rent, it will be removed from the network in a process known as Garbage Collection. Someone let you know?....
Gus's user avatar
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What does it mean Lamport?

What does it mean Lamport?. How many Lamports is one Solana?. Is it important?. What is Lamport balance?. How to calculate it?. How many Lamports should I have in my account to be estimated rent ...
Gus's user avatar
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What's rent?. What's estimated become exempt?

I,d like to know what’s rent?. How to calculate it?. Does it work now?. Does it exist now?. When to become rent exempt?. I use Solflare and I’ve an account with more or less 200 Solana and I do ...
Gus's user avatar
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Gasless Transactions for Solana

Has there been any research or development done around gasless txns? I'm looking to record particular txns for user provenance that have little intrinsic value now, but likely will in the future. I'm ...
Karl Mozurkewich's user avatar
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PDA have a higher balance then the transferred amount

Why does a PDA account have a higher balance than the transferred funds, despite having an initial balance of 0, after I used an anchor program to transfer Solana Lamports from a wallet account to it?
vicyyn's user avatar
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Multiple account creation in one transaction

When we create a Solana PDA we construct the instruction, sign it and then send the transaction to Solana cluster. So I would like to know the transaction fees is charged based on nr. of instructions/...
Souvagya's user avatar
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Solana account rent/fee determination

If I create a Solana wallet account via Rust by using instruction solana_program::system_instruction::create_account(...) The 3rd parameter is the nr. of exempted amount of lamport, in the end it's ...
Souvagya's user avatar
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Solana Account and fees

What is the transaction fees for creating a Solana account created by using CLI command "solana-keygen new" and how to pay that one time account creation fee? How much SOL I need to transfer ...
Souvagya's user avatar
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Calculating Solana Fees

How are fees calculated in Solana ?
vicyyn's user avatar
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