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Questions tagged [commitment]

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Listening for account and extracting output from transaction, how to get block resulting from slot?

I just got started with Solana so please be gentle :) I'm trying to extract information from a transaction in order to perform subsequent processing. I'm using @solana/web3.js with connection.getBlock ...
Robert Quarry's user avatar
3 votes
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What is commitment on Solana and why it is needed?

I am reading the solana docs, but find 'commitment' a little confusing - is there anyone who can explain in better way?
Dream Ninja's user avatar
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What is the % of "processed" transactions that get subsequently dropped?

I ran across this question stating that no confirmed transaction has ever not been finalized, and this got me wondering if there is any stats/a way to measure how frequently processed transactions end ...
McBain's user avatar
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Will firedancer affect transaction finality time in any way?

A bit of a silly question and I believe the answer is "no" but asking anyways... will firedancer improve the time necessary to reach confirmed or finalized commitment in any way?
Josip Volarević's user avatar
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How do the deprecated commitment levels map to the later ones?

Version 1.5.5 deprecated a host of Commitment levels, as seen in the code here: export type Commitment = | 'processed' | 'confirmed' | 'finalized' | 'recent' // Deprecated as of v1.5.5 | '...
steveluscher's user avatar
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Anchor connection how to set commitment to confirmed?

const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env(); provider.opts.commitment = 'confirmed'; anchor.setProvider(provider); console.log('kuki: ' + provider.connection.commitment); ...
sensei's user avatar
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confirmTransaction not waiting for createAccount to have been created

There's definitely a gap in my understanding of how txs are processed by solana validators, or how accounts are created. I tried this on localnet and devnet, and running into same issue on both. I ...
samlaf's user avatar
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