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Questions tagged [encryption]

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How could I use any rust RSA crate at anchor for encrypt/decrypt?

I want to decrypt some encrypted RSA payload at the anchor program. So I've tried to cargo add some RSA libraries such as rsa, ring, and openssl. But when I tried to build the anchor, it all failed. I ...
Jung Chun's user avatar
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how to decode privatekey into bs58 acceptable by wallets?

I'm trying to encode a privatekey into bs58 and login into wallets but it says its not in the correct format. However i'm encoding into bs58 and even decoding to make sure i'm getting the same ...
pedrogatinhos's user avatar
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What is the recommended approach for testing code handling private keys?

I am implementing a REST API in Go for a web3 client that performs authentication by validating a private key signature. Is there some way I can generate fake but valid private/public key pairs for ...
Gerardo Salazar's user avatar
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Phantom support of wallet-standard encrypt/decrypt

There are two experimental interfaces in wallet-standard for encryption/decryption of arbitrary data using the ed25519 key pairs.
Tangle Pay's user avatar
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Encrypted data only readable by one program

I would like to know if an on-chain program could encrypt data, store it in an account and be the only one able to decrypt the data? If it's possible, how to do this? I feel it's not possible because ...
grosgrosbg's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to add a "passphrase" as part of a PDA seed to store data encrypted on-chain?

Thinking about approaches to simplify e2e encryption, this is one of the ideas that came to mind. The seed then could further be used to encrypt the PDAs data. Sharing the passphrase between the ...
tenxsoydev's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?

I am thinking about starting my own product that will be something similar to a wallet. But I want to make sure I make everything as secure as possible so nothing gets leaked and it's not another ...
Pixeled's user avatar
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How to encrypt data so only one specific pubkey can decrypt it?

I would like to store a sensitive data on-chain. The only way to do it AFAIK is to encrypt it with the pubkey of the receiver, store the encrypted message on-chain. Then the receiver could decrypt it ...
rudy rhatal's user avatar
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Encrypt data on client, and then decrypt on-chain?

Is there support for encrypting data on client-side (ideally with public key of the program that owns the on-chain program), storing such data on chain, and then decrypting it on-chain when the ...
krilin's user avatar
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E-voting: How to hide transaction data on a chain, but still use it for calculations?

Does anyone know if there is any support for homomorphic encryption, blind signatures, ZKP or mixnets for Solana/Anchor programs? I am working on a e-voting project, where final results need to be ...
krilin's user avatar
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