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Questions tagged [neon-evm]

Use this tag for discussions of the Neon EVM scaling solution, see

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Cross chain swap interoperability cross messaging using smart contract

Gm guys I am working on a project where i need to be able to swap tokens from different Dex, i want to send the detail of swaps from my EVM smart contract to solana so and the swap will be executed on ...
Suleman Ismaila's user avatar
3 votes
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What are the projects building EVM compatible chains on Solana apart from Neon Labs?

I have been trying to find projects bringing EVM compatibility to Solana, and so far have only found Neon Labs doing so. My question is if there are any other projects trying to do the same? Or is ...
Sart's user avatar
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How evm works on neon blockchain in Solana context

Neon is the first evm compatible chain for Solana. I want to talk here about binance smart chain here which is evm compatible meaning has evm runtime built in the Binance chain. so you can create an ...
maztt's user avatar
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Can Solana be EVM compatible where it would be able to use metamask?

Solana's system is similar to Ethereum as they both use account based ledger system and not UTXO's like bitcoin. Is there a way to make Solana EVM compatible so it would work on metamask? Currently ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

What are the frameworks and development environments for Solana?

I’m familiar with Ethereum and EVM-based smart contracts. I wanted to know if similar development environments and frameworks like Truffle and Hardhat for Ethereum are available for Solana. Also, from ...
nekofar's user avatar
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