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3 answers

Can't initialize PDA cause of seed constraint, even though seeds are correct

I am trying to create a PDA with variable seeds like this #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(i: u8)] pub struct SendRequest<'info> { #[account(mut)] pub owner: Signer<'info>, #...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to create shard accounts to manage "unlimited" account size

Since there is a limitation inside Solana transactions (1kb), and Solana account (1Mb), I'm not able to create a huge account ^^ Someone suggests me to open a new question: Handle big vector ...
GoT's user avatar
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Make reading from PDAs private

If I remember correctly, PDA can be found out by anyone who knows the seed, Public Keys and the Program ID related to a Solana program. Is there a mechanism through which no one except the public key ...
felix's user avatar
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PDA seeds element size problems

I encountered an oddproblem with the seeds array when searching for a PDA via macro #account(init, seeds ...)]. Since each of the seeds array elements can be up to 32 bytes, I want to use the first 32 ...
Sebastian Dine's user avatar