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3 answers

Close PDA account dynamically and conditionally in secure way

I want to close the PDA account only on specif condition. Macro [account(mut, close = <target_account>)] does not work in this case because it will always be triggered after instruction ...
Void's user avatar
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What is the real danger of allowing non-canonical bump PDAs?

I was reading this article by the Sec3 folks about how it was dangerous to accept non-canonical bump PDAs in your program since someone can fake one. How exactly would someone create a fake non-...
Richard's user avatar
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Is it possible to extend 'signature' of the PDA?

Let's say, Program A calls Program B via invoke_signed Is it a way for a Program B to reuse these seeds in the second layer CPI? After experimenting a bit, I came to conclusion it cannot be achieved......
Michael's user avatar
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Can you modify a non-PDA account's data when you know its private key [closed]

I am gathering some information about the advantages of PDA accounts over accounts that have private keys. While the obvious one is that there is the potential vulnerability that you can withdraw ...
Sebastian Dine's user avatar
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2 answers

What stops malicious clients from using PDAs in a series of CPIs with anchor?

Let's say we have a series of programs (A -> B -> C) and each one uses PDAs for which the user public keys are used as the seeds. If a normal user calls ProgramA I think this is safe because the ...
kyle's user avatar
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