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2 answers

Facing "Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction with unauthorized signer or writable account" error in Solana Anchor program

I'm working on a Solana program using the Anchor framework. The program implements a simple counter that can be incremented or decremented by a user. The program compiles and deploys successfully, but ...
0xfiraterdem's user avatar
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Making an UncheckedAccount a signer in some conditions

We have an account like pub owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,, and it's a required account because it is used to derive seeds for another account. In certain circumstances, but not always, this ...
Whiteseal's user avatar
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Wondering why there is need for signer in this anchor transaction

I've been working on ways to process transactions within some anchor functions and I ended up with this below. It works perfectly however I noticed that the signer array is empty and was curious why ...
ZeroNine's user avatar
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Who actually signs a Solana transaction?

The code below is copied from the code here describe("hello-solana", () => { // Loading these from local files for development // const connection = new Connection(`http://...
dade's user avatar
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