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What to do with recovered account from failed deployment / deployment 2nd signer?

After my anchor deploy command failed with intermediate account's ephemeral keypair ... Then I recovered the seedphrase keypair from given seedphrase: solana-keygen recover -o recover.json The ...
Russo's user avatar
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how to use sendAndConfirmTransaction?

so i have a solana program and i wanted to sign the transaction so they can write to the program on the frontend. but the thing is, sendAndConfirmTransaction need a wallet object that has a secret key ...
noxx's user avatar
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Facing "Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction with unauthorized signer or writable account" error in Solana Anchor program

I'm working on a Solana program using the Anchor framework. The program implements a simple counter that can be incremented or decremented by a user. The program compiles and deploys successfully, but ...
0xfiraterdem's user avatar
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TypeError with camelCase and IDL Constraint Issue in Anchor TS Test Code

I'm working on a Solana project using Anchor, and I'm encountering two issues when trying to run a test with ts-mocha. TypeError: The first error message I'm getting is: TypeError: Expected the input ...
jpepesi's user avatar
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MPL token metadata via CPI — cannot provide verified creators, signing error

I'm trying to create a token and its metadata using CPI (anchor lang). Everything works except verifying creators. Transaction is first created in backend, on client side it is signed and backend ...
GRiMe2D's user avatar
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How to sign Transactions using multiple signers from phantom wallet

I want to sign the transaction using both a keypair as a backend wallet and the Phantom wallet. I am using the Solana wallet adapter package. How can I do this with the Solana wallet adapter and the ...
Bobz's user avatar
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Making an UncheckedAccount a signer in some conditions

We have an account like pub owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,, and it's a required account because it is used to derive seeds for another account. In certain circumstances, but not always, this ...
Whiteseal's user avatar
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How do I allow two different signers to modify data in a PDA?

I'm trying to understand PDAs and ultimately want to be able to have a game where two different players (each with their own wallet) can modify the game state individually (i.e. one signer). For this ...
0xwtf's user avatar
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Following a Solana token guide and found out later on the info is dated. Not I'm getting an error when I try to check my spl-token accounts

I was following the guide, and used this command "as instructed" PS C:\Users\Keola> solana config set --url --...
Keola's user avatar
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Wondering why there is need for signer in this anchor transaction

I've been working on ways to process transactions within some anchor functions and I ended up with this below. It works perfectly however I noticed that the signer array is empty and was curious why ...
ZeroNine's user avatar
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Whirlpools SDK: generating transaction and signing it separately

At this moment whirlpools SDK have building/signing/sending tx steps meshed together. Trying to separate transaction signing into separate secure environment. generate transaction without private key,...
thousandsofthem's user avatar
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Multiple Signers on Anchor

I'm writing some tests for an anchor program. I'm passing into the program 2 signers because it seems like the IDL is asking for it, but I don't quite understand how / why this works. Any help in ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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Does program keypair has any other usage besides program deployment?

When we are doing program deployment on Solana using Anchor, it will read the key pair generated at target/deploy/<program>-keypair.json and use it to sign the instruction for initial deployment....
johnhckuo's user avatar
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Can another wallet pay for, Sign and Send transaction signature of another Keypair

if i create a custom instruction that requires a Keypair can another Keypair or client wallet sign or pay the transaction fees of said instruction please also explain how such things work.
Alex's user avatar
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Error: unknown signer when trying to move SOL from multisig wallet from nodejs

After solving this problems for transferring tokens, I am trying to move the SOL I have in this multisig wallet. Same signers, but its not working for SOL transfer... Also non of the explores show ...
recoverySol's user avatar
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How to pass a signer to the instruction that will be executed by a clockwork thread

I get a signer privilege escalated error and I suspect that it is because I am incorrectly passing the signers to the executing thread instruction. Here is roughly how MyContext looks like (including ...
Burger Bob's user avatar
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Unknown signer error in Multisig account transaction

let wallet = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Uint8Array.from(key)); console.log("wallet", await wallet.publicKey.toBase58()); // 3 keypairs const pk1 = Keypair.fromSecretKey(Uint8Array.from(key1)); ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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How can I trust that a message is not arbitrary data (eg. encoded transaction) while signing the message

I currently write a signer which aims to signMessage from the front end and returns its signature. On EVM based, It contains \x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n prefix to invalidate the signing of ...
imalice's user avatar
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Onchain program method has been hacked and 135SOL drained. How could I replicate this, fix it and learn from it?

I've written an onchain program with anchor. This is how my withdraw function looks like(admin public key is random and used for demonstration only): const ADMIN_PUBKEY: &str = "...
sensei's user avatar
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how can i do a CPI in a rust crate with signer from solana program?

What I want to do is use a rust crate in solana program. and a function of the rust crate will do a CPI to another program. how can I sign that CPI with the signer from the main program. Can i pass ...
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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Whats the difference between a Signer and Accounts in Anchor? Where should they be used?

pub fn startstuffoff(ctx: Context<StartStuffOff>) -> Result<()> { let base_account = &mut ctx.accounts.base_account; base_account.total_gifs = 0; Ok(()) ...
Muhammad Shahrukh Azeem's user avatar
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CpiContext::new_with_signer privilege escalation

I've been having this problem for a few weeks now. First, I'm creating a PDA for managing campaigns: pub struct CreateCampaign<'info> { #[account( init, payer = ...
Dinaiscoding's user avatar
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Error processing Instruction 0: Cross-program invocation with unauthorized signer or writable account

i'm getting the error in the title mentioned above and none of the solutions online seem to fix my error. This is the error msg in its entirety: Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction ...
ZeRo's user avatar
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Working in Rust with signers across threads -- T: Signer + Send + Sync

I'm working with the Shadow Drive Rust SDK and would like to pass a Box<dyn Signer> to it (I'd like to allow for keypair, remote wallet, or presign), which requires that I wrap it order to make ...
HelmetFace's user avatar
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Who actually signs a Solana transaction?

The code below is copied from the code here describe("hello-solana", () => { // Loading these from local files for development // const connection = new Connection(`http://...
dade's user avatar
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What is the recommended way of transferring Sol via a PDA after using SetAuthority?

I'm currently working on a fundraising program which involves just transacting Sol. In the first image, I have set fundraiser_config as the authority over the token_vault In the second image, I'm ...
bubu59's user avatar
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do I no longer have to explicitly include signer and system program accounts in my transaction (anchor)?

this is the context in my smart contract: #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct Send<'info> { #[account(mut, seeds = [b"pda"], bump = pda.bump)] pub pda: Account<'info, MyData>...
coco's user avatar
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