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Why do we close WSOL Token Program accounts?

Background: If I understand correctly: During transactions where we transfer SOL to/from wallets, we need to wrap the SOL in a temporarily created WSOL Token Program account. Then use that to transfer ...
Joe's user avatar
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Minting a Fungible SPL token to same ATA (more than 1 time) always fails

I'm pretty new solana ecosystem and have been following multiple tutorials on minting Fungible SPL tokens. On all the tutorials, you create a Mint and ATA and the then the first time the mint ...
newbreedofgeek's user avatar
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InterfaceAccount<'_, TokenAccount> fails to create Associated Token Account

I have basic instruction, all it does is create an ATA for a user (mint is already initialized), this is what my context looks like // use { crate::constants::*, crate::states::*, ...
Isaac Frank's user avatar
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Does one have to generate a special token address for USDT, USDC... when one generates a new address?

In my application I need to generate new addresses from time to time. I need them for SOL as well as for the stable coins on Solana. A new address will be assigned to a new user. Since Solana has ...
Camila326's user avatar
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