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getting error when try to send the two transactions combined for swap to jupiter sdk

i'm trying to send a two seperate swap transaction as one through the help of versioned transactions to solana network and in return i'm getting the error below SendTransactionError: Transaction ...
Anwar's user avatar
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Swap transection is successful and fee deducted but no swap happend

I am trying to build a node js app that take my solana wallet address which have SOL and USD-Coins and make swap. I want to convert USDC from my wallet to SOL or convert SOL to USD-Coins. the ...
umair mehmood's user avatar
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facing a "Create Account: account Address already in use" when running TokenSwap.createTokenSwap method

Hi I am facing a "Create Account: account Address { address: xxx, base: None } already in use" when running TokenSwap.createTokenSwap method which is associated to package @solana/spl-token-...
user3655574's user avatar
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The provided token program does not match the token program expected by the swap

import { logger } from "../helpers"; import * as web3 from "@solana/web3.js"; import * as token from "@solana/spl-token"; import { TokenSwap, TOKEN_SWAP_PROGRAM_ID, ...
tomiella's user avatar
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what should be value of tokenswapStateAccount when trying to swap

I am using node js @solana/web3 and @solana/spl-token and spl-token-swap libraries to perform a swap of token. I am confused with what should be the value of tokenSwapStateAccount and where would I ...
Prashant Singh's user avatar