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How to received typed getTransaction response with jsonParsed encoding?

Context: I am using @solana/web3.js 2.0 to invoke the getTransaction RPC method with encoding: "jsonParsed". The transaction is expected to have SPL Token instructions (create, ...
michaelsulistio's user avatar
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Transfer Fees/Tax per Transfer of Token

How can we collect the transfer fee/tax per token transfer on Solana? Is it possible to automate this process, or do we need to collect it manually? Manually means here , to run js code for searching ...
Mohammad Abuzar's user avatar
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Does token-2022 allow selling tax instead of a basic transfer fee?

I'm new to Solana, I just wanted to figure out if the Token22 transfer fee extension can segregate buy tax and sell tax because in Ethereum I guess we could alter the ERC-20 contract by taking the LP ...
Rishabh Jamwal's user avatar
2 votes
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how to transfer spl token with transfer-hook extension

I used the Solana Playground wallet to deploy a program and obtained the program ID. The ID is 6baxXgMr7HypeTBhN64rbrt31UwbSeRtsQQxGw1KBi5b. Then, I used the following script to create an SPL token. //...
blueboy's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I send a token with the transfer-hook extension using the spl-token command line interface?

I am trying to test the transfer-hook extension by creating and minting a token using the example transfer-hook program. I have successfully deployed the program, created the token with the transfer-...
tonton's user avatar
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Token-2022: Can an Instruction to Execute a Transfer Hook be added to a Program with other Instructions?

I'm looking into using the transfer hook from token-2022 to run some logic whenever my custom spl-token is transferred. I came this Github link and while it helps, I have a lot of questions. Like for ...
Brian M.'s user avatar
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19 votes
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What is the difference between Transfer and TransferChecked instruction from the SPL Token Program?

I'm curious what the practical difference is between the Transfer and TransferChecked instructions, and when should we use one over the other. In this question, I'm using Transfer/TransferChecked as ...
beeman's user avatar
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