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Questions tagged [upgrade-authority]

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Is there a way to access the a program's upgrade authority in Anchor? [duplicate]

My Anchor program has an instruction handler called initialize_config() that will initialize a config account and set the values inside, including the value of the authority Pubkey (which my program ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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Proper way to interact with BPF_LOADER_PROGRAM in Web3JS

What is the expected way to interact with the BPFUpgradeLoader using the Solana Web3 JS SDK? It appears the web3.BPF_LOADER_PROGRAM_ID is marked as deprecated, but it offers no clear alternative. What ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Is possible to find all SPL Tokens or NFTs Collections where an solana address is the Mint or Update authority only providing this address or keypair?

Is there a way to, for example: I provide an solana address. Find all the SPL Tokens where this solana address is the Mint or Update Authority, or NFT Collections where this solana address is the ...
Eliel's user avatar
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Who owns the Upgrade Authority for the SPL Token Program?

See title. We know that the Upgrade Authority is not closed on the Solana SPL Token Program, so who owns it, and is there clear ownership tree or planned changes to be made to the SPL Token Program?
krak's user avatar
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Can I change mint authority from null to an address

I have created an SPL token, minted some tokens and then paused the minting by setting authority to null. Can I reset the authority to my/some other wallet from Null ? I am using SPL through ...
Shubhankar Banerjee's user avatar
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Solana Program Upgrade Best Practices

Are there any rules / best practices when upgrading programs in Solana? Coming from the Ethereum development space, it's really important in the EVM to make sure existing storage isn't reallocated to ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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Mint Authority Being a Signer

I am getting error: Instruction does not support native tokens when trying to initialize a new SPL metadata via: // Invoke the create_metadata_account_v3 instruction on the token metadata program ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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How to get my pre Metaplex legacy token's update authority?

I created a token before the existence of Metaplex, and during that time, token metadata was managed through the repository. I now wish to update my token's ...
Tolui Davaasuren's user avatar
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How much power does the upgrade authority has?

I have a theoretical understanding that Solana allows the 'upgrade authority' to make changes in the program for the faster improvements. I would like to know what is the extent of this power? Can the ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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How to allow only upgrade authority to use the Solana Program?

I want only the upgrade authority (the public key which deployed the program) to create instructions to the program. Is it possible to fetch the public key of the upgrade authority within the program ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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How to provide program with NFT update authority without always signing

I would like to write a program that has the ability to change the metadata on an NFT. I want to do this though without the update authority deploying the program and without them signing every ...
Tigger's user avatar
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Best practices on how to manage upgrade authority Key?

Hey this is for projects who have upgradeable programs, wanted to know what best practices are normally followed in the ecosystem for securely using and storing upgrade authority keys ? I heard about ...
Nabeel Naveed's user avatar