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4 votes

Account Compression Proof Changes

Yes, the proof is dependent on the neighbor nodes and will change every time an NFT is transferred, minted, or updated. However, the concurrent merkle tree architecture tries to minimize hitting stale ...
kwelliott's user avatar
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3 votes

State Compression - Where data is stored?

TL;DR from this Helius blog post: NFT compression lets developers & creators store the bulk of NFT data on the ledger (which is much cheaper than on-chain storage) while storing the digital ...
Josip Volarević's user avatar
3 votes

Error using concurrent merkle tree: Invalid root recomputed from proof on SPL Account Comprresion or Bubble Gum Burn

invoke burn instruction must pass proof to remaining accounts. const proofPath: AccountMeta[] = assetProof.proof .map((node: string) => ({ pubkey: new PublicKey(node), isSigner: false, ...
Alfian Dwi Nugraha's user avatar

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