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How do validators maintain valid state without having the full state from genesis

The important concept to understand is Consensus. All validators on Solana are constantly confirming the accuracy of new transactions and blocks as they get added to the chain, and once enough ...
Wagg's user avatar
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State Compression - Where data is stored?

TL;DR from this Helius blog post: NFT compression lets developers & creators store the bulk of NFT data on the ledger (which is much cheaper than on-chain storage) while storing the digital ...
Josip Volarević's user avatar
2 votes

Can anyone close non-rent-exempt accounts?

You can also close rent-exempt accounts that you own. also worth noting is At the time of writing this, new Accounts and Programs are required to be initialized with enough LAMPORTS to become rent-...
Jimii's user avatar
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Can the state of removed Programs be recovered after they failed to pay rent?

Currently, its not possible to create new accounts that are not considered "rent-exempt". In other words, programs would stay on-chain unless the upgrade authority of the program explicitly ...
john's user avatar
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what is ledger space in solana?

As you stated solana has two types of storage: State: This is all data that is stored onchain that can be accessed and edited by programs (i.e. data stored in accounts). State is expensive because ...
McBain's user avatar
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How does SOL accounting work in non-rent-exempt programs?

It's thankfully very simple -- programs are required to be rent-exempt by the program loader.
Jon C's user avatar
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Can anyone close non-rent-exempt accounts?

The basic concept goes back to the ownership model of Solana accounts: The runtime grants the program write access to the account if its id matches the owner. For the case of the System program, the ...
Jon C's user avatar
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Can anyone close non-rent-exempt accounts?

Note: "unused program accounts in your wallet."
Zen's user avatar
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How does Solana Store the world state?

From the solana docs: If the program needs to store state between transactions, it does so using accounts. Accounts are similar to files in operating systems such as Linux in that they may hold ...
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