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14 votes

How can I calculate the cost the deploy a progam to main net?

What About Deployments Costs SOL? When you deploy a program, you're actually initializing two accounts. The program data account, whose address came from the key created in target/debug/<name-of-...
HelmetFace's user avatar
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5 votes

How is Solana able to provide infinite-time storage for a fixed cost?

As far as I can tell, Solana does not guarantee storage forever. Validators rely on snapshots, and might not have all the history available from genesis. However, because of this, Solana partnered up ...
AllBlooming's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I calculate the cost the deploy a progam to main net?

Solana Instructions have a fixed fee of 5000 Lamports (currently) A Transaction can have multiple instructions. But Data Allocation cost is calculated Solana defines a constant cost as 1 byte per year ...
vicyyn's user avatar
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1 vote

NFT minting cost

Instead of using classic token metadata nfts you could either use compressed nft or the newer core nft standard. The asset class you are using currently can not be minted cheaper. A simple core asset ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

How is Solana able to provide infinite-time storage for a fixed cost?

if an account is closed, that signals to the runtime that the stored data is no longer valuable to its owner and may be discarded
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