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5 votes

Using ledger wallet to create Candy Machine

Did you try to use the guide here from solana docs? Ensure the Ledger Live application is closed Plug your Nano into your computer's USB ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
4 votes

How to connect two Candy Machines?

Using the Suger CLI you can combine 2 collections into 1. First upload the public collection: sugar upload assets/public -c config/public.json --cache .cache/public.json -k <WALLET KEYPAIR.json> ...
Jacob Creech's user avatar
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4 votes

Use any Random Function in anchor lang

As defined here you can’t use random either in Rust or in Anchor if you want to generate a random number either you create your own number or you can use an oracle like a switchboard for generating a ...
Swaroop Maddu's user avatar
3 votes

How to merge 2 or more Transactions and ask for 1 time payment only

Easiest solution is to send both instructions in the same transaction on the front end. The wallet preview you are looking at would show the result of the entire tx, with both operations.
Whiteseal's user avatar
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3 votes

How much sol is required to mint 1000 items using sugar candy machine?

You can use this tool to calculate the cost for creating the Candy Machine:
Andres's user avatar
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3 votes

Use any Random Function in anchor lang

Found a way that we can simply use timestamps for this. let clock = Clock::get()?; let clock = clock.unix_timestamp % 10; // any number between range 0-10 Just make sure the random number ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
2 votes

Stress Testing: 1000 Tranactions at the same Time

I think I need to look into the private RPC nodes such as Alchemy. On Solana Offical Docs it is mentioned that public RPC has the following limitations: Rate Limits# Maximum number of requests per 10 ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
2 votes

Can you change the fee payer for the cost of gas for the minting of NFTs while using candy machine v2?

The Candy Machine doesn't allow that. You can try playing with Octane, but I am not sure it will work:
Andres's user avatar
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2 votes

Metaplex candy machine rust program redeploy

I forgot to initialize the smart contact after deploying with new address via CLI, that's why it gave me error Account does not exist. Here is the code that I run form frontend side very first after ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar
2 votes

How much sol is required to mint 1000 items using sugar candy machine?

A NFT in Solana is represented using 4 accounts. Mint account -> the spl account ATA -> A PDA that is the space in ur wallet that your mint account will be stored (Master) Edition Account -> ...
WrathionTBP's user avatar
2 votes

Add max Whitelist mint check per user

Candy Machine v3 introduced a feature called "Candy Guards", which are basically configuration settings that can be applied to a Candy Machine. Two guards that may be relevant for your use ...
john's user avatar
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1 vote

NFT minting cost

Instead of using classic token metadata nfts you could either use compressed nft or the newer core nft standard. The asset class you are using currently can not be minted cheaper. A simple core asset ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

Metaplex CM Cannot Mint NFT - AnchorError caused by account: candy_guard. Error Code: AccountOwnedByWrongProgram

Problem This issue is caused by the candyGuard account. According to the error logs, its program owner is invalid — i.e. it is not owned by the Candy Guard program you are sending the transaction to. ...
Loris Leiva's user avatar
1 vote

Can I choose token id to mint from Candy Machine collection?

No, minting with candy machine v2 is always randomized. You could either mint those NFTs manually (with metaboss or ) or use sequential minting with cm v3.
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

NFT Breeding Alogrithm

The problem with accomplishing what you want is that metaplex metadata is stored off-chain so you can't really use it on-chain, or at least in a trustless manner. Raindrops extends functionality of ...
mega_creamery's user avatar
1 vote

Keep record of NFTs minted counter by each user

If you want you can create a new pda account similar to NFTs Minted, it will be derived from user ID and keep a vector of nft mint IDs. With every new mint you can push the mint id in the vector. If ...
Muhammad Fahad Saeed's user avatar
1 vote

What is the use case for `set_freeze`, `remove_freeze` and `thaw_nft` instructions in CandyMachine

I think the PR you linked explains it: it's a way to freeze NFTs for a certain time immediately after they're minted. set_freeze: This handler sets the freeze conditions on a Candy Machine. It can ...
Callum M's user avatar
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1 vote

CandyMachine Metaplex in Javascript?

Your application doesn't need a candy-machine, it's entirely on-chain. You can learn more on creating one at this tutorial via the CLI... and if you need a front-end for it, then check out this Candy ...
OneFishTaco's user avatar
1 vote

How can I configure my nft project with the sugar cli to allowlist only my partner and I to mint 2 nfts before the public mint goes live?

Considering it's only two NFTs. You can mint them from the command line with the mint command from Sugar.
HNBL's user avatar
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1 vote

How much sol is required to mint 1000 items using sugar candy machine?

Each NFT will require a transaction for creating the mint (allocate the data instruction + initialize mint instruction) and allocating metadata allocate the data a mint has a size of 82 bytes. Solana ...
vicyyn's user avatar
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How to allocate more gumdrop whitelist tokens than the amount of nfts in candy machine?

First of all: This check is valid and is used to make sure all of your users who try to claim their NFT will receive one. Deactivating the check will have side effects like showing your users that ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

Nextjs Candymachine Error

@AaronPang found the solution to this in his last comment: "Found the way. I forgot to input the cnadymachine program id."
Juan Marchetto's user avatar

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