I've just received two NFTs, using the same Solana wallet. Using SolScan, I can see each NFT is in their own Associated Token Account (there's a third Associated Token Account on the wallet for USDC). I can see the same thing happens - each new NFT ends up in a new ATA - when I mint NFTs using metaplex create().

enter image description here

My question is - is this normal? Is there always an ATA with a balance of 1 token per NFT owned by a wallet? - so if I own 26 NFTs I will have 26 ATAs for those NFTs?

The Metaplex docs don't really discuss ATAs in detail and the SPL token docs seem focused on currency-like tokens rather than NFTs.

1 Answer 1


The answer to your question is yes, a new ATA is created for any NFT that your wallet owns. The reason for this is that NFTs are unique tokens and thus have distinct mints. Just as the mint for a sol token is different from that for a usdc token, the mint of any NFT token is different from every other.

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