I am trying to start solana-test-validator, but it closes unexpectedly with blockstore error.

Error: failed to start validator: Failed to create ledger at test-ledger: blockstore error

How can I fix this?

  • Do you start validator as ./validator/solana-test-validator? Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 10:32
  • Yes, but i also tried different locations. Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 10:43
  • Do you have Rosetta installed btw? I cannot reproduce your issue on my mac (v12 and Rosetta is intalled) Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 15:40
  • Yep, rosetta is installed :( Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 18:22
  • I guess the problem is with macos v13 since for v12 it works. But I don't know how to check it out without installing Commented Nov 23, 2022 at 16:26

5 Answers 5


it seems like something is not right with the tar version in Mac OS 13. I could fix the issue by replacing tar with a homebrew gnu version:

brew install gnu-tar
# Put this in ~/.zshrc 
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

Hope that helps.

There is an open GitHub issue at Solana Labs to make the install experience better for macOS users with the default BSD tar installed.

  • this fixed it for me!!
    – Dev Bharel
    Commented Dec 14, 2022 at 5:27
  • I have gnu-tar in a different location. After adding export PATH="/usr/local/Cellar/gnu-tar/1.34_1/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" to ~/.zshrc it was fixed.
    – channa ly
    Commented Dec 22, 2022 at 15:45
  • This also fixed it for me on MacOS Ventura 13.3.1 M1 with solana-cli 1.14.18 and rustc pinned to 1.65.0 using a rust-toolchain.toml Commented May 25, 2023 at 23:27
  • this fixed my problem though the error log is different: 'Error: failed to start validator: Failed to create ledger at test-ledger: io error: Error checking to unpack genesis archive: Archive error: extra entry found: "._genesis.bin" Regular'
    – DiveInto
    Commented Mar 23 at 9:47
  • @diveinto Yep, that's the same cause. I'd originally added a bunch of detail to this answer but have now moved it to a separate answer below. Solana CLI (and therefore Anchor) aren't ready to use BSD tar, there's an open GitHub issue to fix it, my answer has more details.
    – mikemaccana
    Commented May 30 at 19:56

Note: you might also have this error occur when you run anchor test:

Unable to get latest blockhash. Test validator does not look started. Check ".anchor/test-ledger/test-ledger-log.txt" for errors. Consider increasing [test.startup_wait] in Anchor.toml.

Looking inside .anchor/test-ledger/test-ledger-log.txt, you will see:

Error checking to unpack genesis archive: Archive error: extra entry found: "._genesis.bin" Regular

The cause and solution

There are multiple versions of the 'tape archiver' (tar) program.

MacOS comes with BSD tar by default:

% tar --help | grep bsdtar
tar(bsdtar): manipulate archive files

Which is a less popular version of tar than the GNU tar. solana-test-validator expects GNU tar.

There is an issue to resolve the GNU tar dependendency. In the meantime, you can work around this issue by replacing BSD tar with a GNU version.

If you haven't installed homebrew, do that first. Then run:

brew install gnu-tar
# Put this in ~/.zshrc 
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

You will now have BSD tar installed.

And then re-run solana-test-validator


I had the same problem

solana-test-validator --reset

worked for me


If you're facing the same error even after installing gnu-tar. Try removing the test-ledger folder rm -rf test-ledger and try again.


This is because the BSD tar program is not compatible with the GNU tar program.

To fix it: you need to install and export the executable path of your GNU tar program in your .zshrc file.

Mac with Apple Silicon

brew install gnu-tar
# Put this in ~/.zshrc 
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

Intel-based Mac

brew install gnu-tar
# Put this in ~/.zshrc 
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

the only reason there are separate exports for intel-based macs and macs with apple silicon is that, by default, homebrew executables are stored at different locations for macs with respective chipset.

  • Was quite helpful
    – Codertjay
    Commented Oct 3 at 7:20

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