I am trying to deploy an anchor program using solana program deploy dummy_program.so,

But I am getting the following error

Error: ELF error: ELF error: Multiple or no text sections, consider removing llc option: -function-sections

Here is my env

- Linux, Pop OS
- anchor-cli 0.28.0
- solana-cli 1.14.20 (src:277b4c32; feat:1879391783)
- solana-cargo-build-sbf 1.14.20
- sbf-tools v1.29
- solana cluster version 1.16.6
  • where does that attribute go? I have exact same problem and can't find solution anywhere.
    – elliecat
    Commented Sep 11 at 1:40
  • where does that attribute go? I have exact same problem and can't find solution anywhere.
    – elliecat
    Commented Sep 11 at 1:40

1 Answer 1


Was looking through this github issue and turns out I was missing the #[program] attribute and rust analyzer wasn't picking this up.

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