I am facing difficulties in getting Interface Definition Language (IDL) for a program on Solana. I need the complete IDL for the following program: https://solscan.io/account/ArAA6CZC123yMJLUe4uisBEgvfuw2WEvex9iFmFCYiXv#anchorProgramIDL
I can go to the "Anchor Program IDL" section on Solscan at the link provided and get instructions. However, when looking at the transaction log for the NFT mint at the very bottom of the page: https://solscan.io/tx/51aicbY9JN4RiYiyq6R2F794VWaf6S44oge5uG8bokzGixvgXRPdNFHB452P1CbGhfCUkFEo9o7e54pCVRDXSChh, I found that the NFT was minted using this program and the MintV6 instruction (Log Line: "> Program log: Instruction: MintV6"), which is missing from this program's IDL.
I have been provided with the full IDL for this program, which does not match what is available on Solscan, and also does not match the IDL obtained through the use of the Anchor library in JavaScript. Link to the full IDL: https://jsoneditoronline.org/#left=cloud.a170cda3e14c42909baba51ef10a3e72. If anyone knows how to obtain the full IDL, any help would be appreciated as I cannot find an answer to this question.