Is it possible to get an authorized account's nonce accounts by using only authorized account's public key?

I could not find such a solution on github, discord, and in docs. They always use the public key of the nonce account.

I use web3js on my project.

1 Answer 1


Using knowledge of the following facts:

  • All nonce accounts are owned by the system program
  • Nonce accounts are exactly 80 bytes long
  • The nonce authority's public key is written into bytes 8–40

You can find all of the nonce accounts for which X is the authority using getProgramAccounts:

import { Connection, PublicKey, clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js';

const AUTHORITY_PUBLIC_KEY = new PublicKey(
const SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ADDRESS = new PublicKey(

const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl('testnet'));
const nonceAccounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(
  // The system program owns all nonce accounts.
    filters: [
        // Nonce accounts are exactly 80 bytes long
        dataSize: 80,
        // The authority's 32-byte public key is written
        // into bytes 8-40 of the nonce's account data.
        memcmp: {
          bytes: AUTHORITY_PUBLIC_KEY.toBase58(),
          offset: 8,

Playground link.

  • 3
    Be aware that getProgramAccounts is a monster of a query method, and your RPC provider may limit your usage of it, or at least be annoyed by you. Commented Jan 23 at 22:31
  • 2
    Thank you so much. It worked, and you are right about how heavy query this is. It took more than 1 minute. Commented Jan 24 at 9:24

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